Pablo Ordorica

Managing Partner

Pablo has more than 30 years of experience in the sectors of basic materials and energy. He is a member of the Strategy and Investment Committee of the INICIA Construction Materials Fund and member of the Boards of Metaldom, Domicem, Corvi Acero, Corvi PVC and Pinturas Popular.

He was a senior partner of McKinsey and retired from the firm as a senior partner emeritus after 33 years of distinguished professional service. Before his career in McKinsey, he was the Financial Director of K. J. Quinn de México, a manufacturer of specialized chemical products and industrial coatings.

Ordorica has a bachelor’s in accounting degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), and a master’s in accounting and finance from the London School of Economics.

  • Alberto Manotas

  • Laura Penzo

    Senior Associate

  • Pamela Rodríguez

    Senior Analyst